Here are some aids in preparing for a good confession.
Examination of Conscience
This is a simple straightforward Examination of Conscience in preparation for receiving Confession.
Download the Examination of Conscience form
Examination of ConscienceSoul Cleansing
These lectures by Fr. Josiah Trenham will prepare you for your first confession.
The Holy Sacrament of Confession is examined both theologically and with practical application to our lives. We learn how the confessed life is filled with the love of God and the joy of change for the better. Confession regenerates the human soul, and is the milieu in which “the rubber meets the road” in Christian transformation. The embrace of regular and heart-felt confession can open the door to God’s Kingdom for us all. Topics covered in this series include: The meaning and institution of confession; preparation for confession and the Importance of self-examination; confession as spiritual medicine and the curative power of penance; the Father confessor; and answers to objections.
1 – The Mystery of Confession
2 – Preparation for Confession
3 – Spiritual Medicine: The Power of Penance
4 – The Father Confessor
5 – Answers to Common Objections